
Place of the Conference                                                                                                                              






Program and Organizing


Purposes of the Conference


Main Topics


Work Languages


Application Form and Abstract


Main Data


Registration Fee


Place of the Conference


Address of the Organizing


Program of the Conference


Support of the Conference


The place of the Conference

The Conference will be held in beautiful place of the Southern Coast of Crimea in Novy Svet (Crimea, Ukraine).

Participants of conference will be accommodated in tourist center “Novy Svet” which settle down on coast of the Black See. Cost of residing is from 25 € including accommodation, breakfast, dinner and supper. Room reservations should be done by the organizing committee.


Cultural Program

The cultural program will be in frame of the conference. Cost of excursion on South Crimea is above 10-15 € for person.

Hotels in Novy Svet

Hotel "Novy Svet"

Hotel "Prince Golitsyn"

Переглянути Novy Svet на карті більшого розміру



Design and technical support by Victor Martynyuk  tel.: +380506535592   e-mail: mavis@science-center.net